
Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires...courage.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Shopping, Cleaning, Organizing, & Relaxing

We arrived home on Saturday. Overall, Emma did well on the flights out to Virginia and back. She's not used to being held when she sleeps, rather being placed in her bed at nap time, so she fussed a little because she was tired. Otherwise, she was great.

Since we've arrived home, we've almost completed our Christmas shopping. I love to go out into the stores and find gifts for people, and sometimes even make gifts. However, since we were moving and unpacking, then went to VA for a week, I haven't had a lot of time for that. So, I've done almost ALL of my shopping this year online. I've never done that for Christmas before, and it's really been convenient. I don't think I could have accomplished all the things I have without it. I may look to the Internet more in the future. It's just not practical for me to go out all the time to get gifts for birthdays, Christmas, etc. with all 4 kids, especially since they aren't really into shopping. Plus, it's hard to concentrate, even when they're behaving...and I can't get gifts for them if they're with me. So, all around a good deal.

I decided, since the kids aren't here this week, to try to get some cleaning and organizing done, as well as chore and school schedule planning. I was able to sit down this morning and get a lot done on the chore and school schedules. I still have some things to figure which chores we'll do and whether it will be individual or together. I think we'll have a wash day, a bathrooms day, a floors understand, I'm sure. My main goal in all of this is to get something workable that we can actually stick to and accomplish all that we need to each day. I also have to decide who will do which chores....Corbin needs to take on some more since he's older now and there are more that he's capable of doing. That will free me up to accomplish things, like laundry, on which I'm always behind!

Karl has been working hard on his school work. A new quarter (his last) just started this week. It seems like it's kind of a heavy load this quarter, but I know he can balance it. Then, in March he graduates and he'll have his Masters.

Even with all of that, we've had plenty of time to relax. I've missed the kids, and actually am really missing them now that it's been over a week since I've seen them! But, it has also been interesting to cook only for 2, to listen to how quiet it is with just us here. It's strange....I have truly come to appreciate all of the many chores they do each day to help out. Karl and I are taking up the slack while they're gone and it's definitely more work, though at least there are fewer clothes and dishes to be washed. I'm going to make sure I let them know they were missed, for their contributions chore wise to the family and just having them around.

I don't have much else to say right now, except this. If you're reading this family members, and you see my kids, give them a hug for me and tell them their Mama loves them!

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