
Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires...courage.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It snowed overnight and there is maybe an inch of snow on the ground. This doesn't bother Karl, but it is enough to keep me OFF the roads. So, no Camp Arrowhead for the kids today. We are instead concentrating on our school work and will be eating lunch soon. Then we'll do our Unit Study 'stuff' and maybe I can coax the kids outside to play after that. There's new snow on the ground, so they'll probably want to get out and play in it.

I'm having fun setting things up on the site. I've never been very technical, but I'm finding much enjoyment in this. :)

The book list will be expanding; as we (or I) finish each one I will add it to the list. I had begun a list in Word just so I would know how many books I read this year. But now, I'm just going to list them here. I may keep a separate list of those the kids read on their own, but I'm not sure yet.

You will find a list of my favorite links on the Web. This too will increase as I come across more 'favorites'.

A 'Menu' section may appear in the future. It would be an easier way for me to organize my weekly menus, rather than trying to keep track of whatever sheet of paper I've written it on! This would probably include recipes for the menu items so others could use my menu, too.

And, I will be adding a section for Bible readings/prayer requests, etc. So, each time you visit us here you'll probably find something new to explore.

Well, lunch is ready to be served. I hope you all have a great day. :)

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