
Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires...courage.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The orthodontist again...and other things

When Hailey had her appointment with the orthodontist a few weeks ago, the lady there told me to call if Hailey started complaining about the roof of her mouth being sore. Her bottom teeth touch the top of her mouth because of her over bite, so I guess soreness is a common problem. Wouldn't ya know that very day she started telling me about her mouth being sore, and it even bled a bit a day or two later. And she didn't hear the lady tell me about the appliance, so I knew it was a legitimate complaint. ;) Well, I called and made an appointment for impressions for an appliance she can wear that will keep her teeth from hitting up top. We went to have that done today and we will pick up the appliance on Thursday of next week. Hailey is excited...but I bet she'll find out it's not as fun as she thinks it will be. :}

My friend Kara is coming over today. I knew Kara when we lived in Palm Bay,Florida before she and her family moved to Tallahassee. We've recently been in contact again through Facebook. Her husband's parents live in New York, apparently only about an hour or so away. Kara and her family are visiting them right now, so she sent me a message on Facebook and asked if she could come for a visit. Of course I said yes! I'm so excited to have an old friend over. She's got 4 children...I think she's bringing them....and I've never met her daughter. I can't remember for sure but I think she's met all of ours except Emma. It will be so nice to catch up and see how her kids have grown. I'll post about it later this week so those of you who know Kara (and those who don't) can read all about our visit.

Emma has been a bit of a fusser this week. I know she's young yet, but I'm wondering if maybe she's teething. She has begun to drool and she's always sucking on her fingers. And she's been crying more in general. It could also be due to the fact that she's not sleeping as much as she really should during the day. She's doing great at night...she just slept through her 4th night in a row last night. We have 2-3 nights that she'll wake up overnight each week, but I think we're almost out of that completely. I'm wondering if maybe she's going though a growth spurt too, because she's been waking up sooner from her naps and wanting to nurse...I plan to add a feeding a day I think to see if that helps. Speaking of which, she just woke up so I guess I need to go. I'll be back later to post more, and Karl will be too to tell more about his trip to Jakarta.,

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